Miami World Center (“MWC”) is a Master Planned Development in the heart of downtown Miami on 27 acres with a valuation of over 4 Billion dollars when completed. Jorge Gonzalez, a principal of Paragon Group, was brought on board to oversee and manage the development teams for each of the in-house developments built by MWC as the master developer. The in-house projects built by MWC are as follows:
Caoba Apartments – 444 Class A Apartments (Phase I), with a 903 space parking garage and 13,854 GSF of Retail
City Block H – 545,000 GSF Mixed-Use Facility. Consist of 922 Parking garage and 48,000 NSF of Mixed Retail and Food & Beverage. Development Value of $92,000,000
City Block D East – 548,807 GSF Mixed Use Facility, Consist of 1100 space garage and 53,519 NSF of Mixed Retail and Food & Beverage. Development Value of $87,000,000</span
City Block F East – 135,208 GSF Retail Facility. Development value of $92,000,000